WestCloset FAQs

Based on the information available on our website (https://www.westcloset.com) and general customer inquiries, here are some FAQs for WestCloset:

Ordering & Delivery

  • What are your shipping costs? Shipping costs vary depending on your location and order weight. You can estimate shipping costs during checkout.
  • Do you offer free shipping? We may offer free shipping promotions from time to time. Check our website or promotions for details.
  • Where do you ship to? We currently ship to almost all countries, you can confirm your country shipping during checkout.
  • How long will it take to receive my order? Delivery times vary depending on your location and chosen shipping method. You will receive a shipping confirmation email with estimated delivery time once your order is placed.
  • Can I track my order? Yes, you can track your order by clicking on the tracking link provided in your shipping confirmation email or through our chat button on our website.

Returns & Exchanges

  • What is your return policy? You can return most unworn, unwashed items with tags attached within 14 days of receipt. See our full return policy on the website for details.
  • How do I return an item? Please initiate a return request through your account on our website or write us at admin@westcloset.com. You will receive instructions on how to return your item.
  • Do you offer free returns? We may offer free return promotions from time to time. Check our website or promotions for details.
  • How long will it take to receive a refund? Once your return is received and inspected, it may take up to 5-10 business days to process your refund.

Products & Sizing

  • What size should I order? We recommend referring to our size guide on each product page for detailed measurements.
  • Can I see model measurements for reference? Unfortunately, we don't currently offer model measurements on our website.
  • What materials are your clothes made from? Material information is listed on each product page.
  • Do you offer any sustainable or ethically-made clothing? We are committed to increasing our selection of sustainable and ethically-made clothing. You can find some options on our website with specific tags, and we will continue to expand this section.

Payments & Security

  • What payment methods do you accept? We accept major credit cards, debit cards, Apple Pay, Amazon Pay, Google Pay
  • Is your website secure? Yes, our website uses [SSL Encryption] to ensure your payment information is safe.

Company & Customer Service

  • What are your store hours? WestCloset is an online store, so we don't have physical store hours.
  • How can I contact customer service? You can contact our customer service team by email at [admin@westcloset.com or admin@westcloset.com] or by phone at [ +1-8483488309].

Additional FAQs (Optional)

  • Do you offer a loyalty program? [Yes/No] - Yes
  • Do you have a blog or social media presence? Yes, we do have bolds and social presence in Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and TikTok. Social Interaction links are available on website.
  • How can I stay updated on new arrivals and promotions? You can subscribe to our newsletter on our website or follow us on social media.
FAQ page image for Contact

Still need help? Send us a note.